Brightways Learning’s Kaleidoscope Connect, Global Academy, and ClassBright Evaluate services have improved the lives of youth, educators, and communities across the country and throughout the world.

A few examples

Brightways Learning’s Kaleidoscope Connect, Global Academy, and ClassBright Evaluate services have improved the lives of youth, educators, and communities across the country and throughout the world. Here are a few examples.

I learned that in order to become resilient, I needed to develop a Web of Support of at least 5 caring adults who could support me. If I had one wish, it would be that every kid could learn about the Web of Support and feel like they belong.
— Natalee

After years of feeling isolated and lonely...I discovered the importance of building a strong Web of Support. Phlight Club helped me through a rough patch and has had an enorous impact on the rest of my life.
— Eugene

Phlight Club changed me... By the end of the third day, I saw myself and the world around me differently. I felt optimistic and resilient. I wasn’t the same shy kid I had been three days earlier. From deep inside of me, I could feel a leader emerging.
— Gerald

We were worried about educating our kids with our military lifestyle, and changing schools every time we relocated. We partnered with Brightways [Global Academy] over six years ago and have never looked back.
— Emily

I’m not one to take cold calls, but when Brightways Learning contacted my school district six years ago [about ClassBright Evaluate], my intuition and their approach of collaborative problem-solving told me to take a few minutes to listen. I’m glad I did.
— Scott

Our reach

Our reach continues to grow. Each partner boosts our capacity to serve youth, families, and schools to improve resiliency and fulfill dreams.


Data shows that youth-to-adult connectedness improves in those who experience our Kaleidoscope Connect services, while risk factors decrease. Students develop resiliency that lasts a lifetime!

For additional data, please view our Research page or contact us.